CodePen is a platform for creating, debugging and sharing code in real time. Today CodePen is one of the most popular tools for developers and designers who want to showcase their projects, test new ideas and learn from others. In this article, we will look at the main features and capabilities of CodePen.

What is CodePen and why you need it

CodePen was founded in 2012 and has since become a place where developers and designers can share their projects and learn from each other. With CodePen, you can prototype, showcase your work, and simply engage in real-time code writing.

One of the main reasons CodePen has become so popular is the ability to create code in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as use many libraries and frameworks such as React and Vue.js. This allows developers to create interactive websites, applications, and games without having to build them from scratch.

Description of the main features and functions of CodePen

CodePen offers many useful features and functions that allow users to create, debug, and share code.

One of the most important features of CodePen is the ability to create code snippets in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript right in the browser. This is handy for testing new ideas, creating prototypes, and quickly debugging code. CodePen also provides many code writing tools, such as a code editor with syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and the ability to use libraries and frameworks.

Another useful feature of CodePen is the ability to create collaborative projects that multiple people can use. This is useful for teamwork when several developers are working on the same project.

CodePen also provides the ability to create and use collections that can contain multiple projects. This allows users to easily organize their work and share it with others.

CodePen Editor and its features

In the CodePen Editor, you can create, edit, and review code, as well as see it at work with the built-in preview.

In the CodePen Editor, you can work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. You can create different projects, add libraries and frameworks, and customize the editor’s environment and interface.

There are many development tools available in the CodePen editor, such as:

  • Autocomplete: The editor offers code autocompletion and shows tooltips to help you write code faster and more efficiently.
  • CSS Editor: You can edit CSS in a separate tab in the editor and see the changes immediately in the preview.
  • Element inspector: You can view the structure of HTML elements and CSS styles on a page and edit them on the fly.
  • Console: The CodePen editor provides a JavaScript console for debugging code and viewing errors.

Examples of using the editor with the JavaScript prefix

CodePen allows you to create and view projects written in JavaScript and share them with other developers. Here are a few examples of how to use the JavaScript editor:

  • Creating animations: CodePen can be used to create JavaScript animations. You can use libraries such as GreenSock or Anime.js to create complex animations.
  • Game development: The CodePen editor can be used to develop JavaScript games. You can use frameworks such as Phaser or Three.js to create 2D or 3D games.
  • Interactive element development: CodePen can be used to create interactive elements in JavaScript. You can create drag-and-drop elements, drop-down menus, and more.

React development on CodePen

A brief introduction to React and its features on CodePen

React is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces. It is one of the most popular libraries for developing frontend applications. CodePen gives developers the ability to create interactive React interfaces in their online editor.

Description of React development features in CodePen

CodePen provides developers with several ways to use React in their projects. Let’s take a look at some of them:

  • Creating a new project on React
  • CodePen allows developers to create new React projects using the templates available in the “React” section of the “Create New” menu. Developers can choose between different templates, such as “React with Babel”, “React with Redux”, etc.
  • Using external React libraries
  • CodePen supports the use of external React libraries. Developers can plug in a React library using the CDN link in the project settings. This allows them to easily use third-party React components in their projects.
  • Using React built-in components
  • CodePen provides a set of React built-in components that can be used in projects. Developers can choose between different components such as buttons, input fields, checkboxes, etc. CodePen components are provided with documentation and code examples, making them simple and easy to use.
  • Demonstration of React Components
  • CodePen allows developers to create and demo React components using a built-in preview. Developers can create components in CodePen and instantly see how they will look in a browser.

Using CodePen as an alternative to the code editor

Comparing CodePen to other code editors

In this section, we will look at the main differences between CodePen and other popular code editors such as Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code.

Sublime Text is a popular code editor that is available for Windows, Mac and Linux. It has a large number of features and functions, including autocompletion, support for many programming languages, and syntax highlighting. However, Sublime Text is a local application, while CodePen is available in a browser, allowing you to work on projects from anywhere in the world.

Atom is another popular code editor that was developed by GitHub. Atom provides the user with a large number of customization options, including the ability to use various plug-ins and design themes. However, like Sublime Text, Atom is a local application, which limits accessibility.

Visual Studio Code is a free code editor that was created by Microsoft. Unlike Sublime Text and Atom, Visual Studio Code comes with a wide range of development tools, including a debugger, Git support, and many other features. However, CodePen has a simpler and lighter interface, which may be appealing to those new to programming.

CodePen as an alternative to a code editor using the Python prefix

Python is one of the most popular programming languages and is widely used in a variety of fields, including scientific research, data analysis, web development, and more. In this section, we’ll look at how CodePen can be used as an alternative to a code editor with the Python prefix.

CodePen allows users to create projects in many programming languages, including Python. Using CodePen for Python development has several advantages. First, CodePen is accessible in a browser, which makes it easy and convenient to use.

In addition, CodePen has built-in support for many Python libraries such as NumPy, SciPy, and Pandas, making it an ideal choice for rapid prototyping and data experimentation.

Another benefit of using CodePen for Python development is the ability to communicate with the developer community, thanks to its built-in commenting system and the ability to publish your projects to the CodePen platform. It can also help novice developers get feedback and advice from more experienced colleagues.

CodePen Challenges and their use

CodePen Challenges is a set of challenges created by the CodePen community to help developers improve their skills and practice various technologies. In this article, we will look at the main features of CodePen Challenges and use cases related to the Checkbox prefix.

Description of CodePen challenges and their features

CodePen Challenges provide developers with tasks that can be completed using CodePen. Challenges provide detailed instructions and examples to help developers understand how to use various technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, and many others.

In addition, CodePen Challenges allows developers to join the community and share knowledge and experiences. Users can view the work of other participants and learn from their example, as well as get feedback and comments from experienced developers.

Examples of using CodePen with Checkbox attachments

One of the popular attachments in CodePen is Checkbox. You can use it to create different types of checkboxes and buttons for web forms.

Example: Creating a simple checkbox using Checkbox

Один из примеров задания CodePen Challenge, связанный с приставкой Checkbox, предлагает создать простой флажок. Для этого необходимо использовать HTML и CSS.


<input type=”checkbox” class=”checkbox”>
<span class=”checkbox-label”>Я согласен с условиями использования</span>


.checkbox-label {
font-size: 14px;
margin-left: 10px;

.checkbox {
display: inline-block;
height: 16px;
width: 16px;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border-radius: 3px;
position: relative;
top: 3px;
margin-right: 10px;

.checkbox:checked:after {
content: “”;
position: absolute;
top: 2px;
left: 6px;
width: 5px;
height: 10px;
border: solid #000;
border-width: 0 2px 2px 0;
transform: rotate(45deg);

This code creates a checkbox with the text “I agree to the terms of use”. When you click the checkbox, it becomes checked.

CodePen Pagination and its application

Pagination is the process of breaking down a large amount of data into smaller pages to improve the user experience.

Description of CodePen pagination and its features

CodePen pagination provides developers with a convenient way to add pagination to any list or table on a page. It can be useful for improving the user experience because it makes it easy to navigate through a lot of data without overloading the page.

There are several different types of pagination on CodePen, including a basic paginator with the ability to select the number of entries per page and switch between pages. There is also an infinite scroller that allows you to load data as the page scrolls. This type of pagination can be useful for data-intensive applications such as social networks or online stores.

CodePen pagination also provides the ability to customize pagination styles and appearance. This allows developers to create a pagination that matches the style and design of their project.

Overview of the different styles and settings for pagination on CodePen

There are many examples on CodePen demonstrating various pagination styles and settings. Some of them include the use of animations and different colors to make pagination more interactive and appealing to users.

Other examples demonstrate customizing the number of entries per page and the appearance of pagination buttons. This can be useful for creating a pagination that meets the specific needs of a project.

For example, the Checkbox attachment on CodePen allows you to create a pagination using checkboxes to select a page, which can be useful for projects with a large number of pages.

Answers to questions about CodePen

What is Codepen?

CodePen is an online code editor that allows developers to create and share their projects in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What is CodePen used for?

CodePen is used to quickly create and edit frontend code, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It can be useful for developing, testing and sharing code between developers.

Is CodePen free or paid?

CodePen provides both free and paid plans. The free plan provides basic features, while the paid plans offer more features and functionality, such as the ability to work with teams, create private projects and faster hosting.

How does CodePen work?

CodePen works as an online code editor that allows users to create, test and post code online. CodePen uses web development technologies such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript, as well as many other programming languages.

How to do coding in CodePen?

In order to write code in CodePen, you need to create a new project and select the programming language you want to use. You can then start writing code in the appropriate editor, which is located on the page. CodePen also provides many features such as syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and many others that make writing code easier.

How to use Codepen?

CodePen can be used to create and test code, to teach and review other users’ work, and to create and review demo pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. To use CodePen, you need to register on the site and then you can create your own projects and view the work of other users. CodePen gives you the ability to save projects, create them from templates, and embed the finished work on other websites.

How to add font awesome to Codepen?

To add Font Awesome to CodePen, you need to do the following steps:

  • Find the icons you want to use on the official Font Awesome website.
  • Copy the link to the CSS file that contains all the icons you want to use.
  • Paste the copied link into the project settings in CodePen. This can be done in the CSS settings by adding a link in the “Add External CSS” field.

How to run code in Codepen?

To run code in CodePen, you need to Write your code in the CodePen editor.

Click the “Run” button at the top of your screen.

If your code ran successfully, you will see the result in the preview window to the right of the editor. If there are errors, they will be displayed in the developer console at the bottom of the screen.


All in all, CodePen is a powerful and handy tool for web application development that can be used by both beginners and experienced programmers. If you haven’t tried CodePen yet, give it a try and see how it can help you in your work.

If you want to use CodePen for your work, here are some recommendations:

  • Start with some basic examples and experiment with them. This will help you better understand how CodePen works and how you can use it in your projects.
  • Use CodePen to prototype your projects. CodePen provides an easy-to-use interface for testing and demonstrating your ideas.
  • Use CodePen to explore new technologies. CodePen provides access to many examples and projects that can help you learn new programming languages and technologies.
  • Use CodePen to communicate with the community. CodePen has a huge community of users who can help you solve problems and inspire new ideas.